mixKylie 2010 - What's New and Improved?
Many things have changed on the web since mixKylie.co.uk first launched. The latest relaunch is an attempt to modernise the site and allow easier future updates. The overall look of the site hasn't changed for now, but behind the scenes there have been many changes and detailed below are some of the changes you can see for yourself.

- Audio Clips
- All the audio clips on the site are now in MP3 format (96kbps) and play within your browser rather than launching an external player. The eventual aim is for there to be a clip of every available Kylie track/mix available to listen to.
- Complete Mix List
- Improved usability - you can now sort and filter your search results and view the table in a paged interface. There is now only one page for the mix list - the static alphabetical versions have been removed in order to simplify things. This means that the complete mix list is now available to non-members too. See the complete mix list in action!
- Large Cover Scans
- The large cover scans now open within the browser window in a tabbed interface rather than a pop-up. Gold members can automatically see higher quality PNG images by selecting the option in My Settings.
- Search
- Improved search facilities with better auto-complete features (now with keyboard control) and select boxes that don't need a page refresh each time you update. All the search facilities are available on the search page and individual facilities are available in the appopriate places. An auto-complete release and track finder appears at the top of each page, replacing the old Atomz.com site search. You can also click a record company label name anywhere on the site to initiate a search for other releases on that label (this is still work in progress as not all releases have a record label attached to them yet). See the new search facilities!
- Step Back in Time Guide
- Improved usability, featuring the new inline audio player. See the new step back in time pages!
- Collection Information
- The track and release pages now feature information about how many members have added a particular release or track to their collection to give you an idea of how popular or rare it is.
- Credits
- Information and cover scans provided by mixKylie members are now linked to your user name (some still need moving across to the new system). The My Settings page lists how many contributions you've made to the site.
- Release Information
- The release database now stores the label, catalogue number and EAN separately (not all releases have all three pieces of information yet). These appear on the individual release pages and on the My Collection Releases page and Excel download. The main discography pages only show the EAN if the catalogue number is not available.
- Miscellaneous
- All pages on the site are now a standard 960px wide and so the wide pages options have been removed. The gallery and quizzes sections have been removed, although the random lyrics quiz remains. The initial launch page has also been removed. The site now has a more consistent design. Finally, loads of bugs have been fixed. If you still spot something that doesn't work as it should, please let me know via the contact form.